Friday, February 3, 2012

The Women in Black


Just wow.

This movie freaked me out, but I loved it!

I covered my face about half the time, and my friend and I were all huddled in balls on the theater chairs, freaking out.

I just don't understand why people in scary movies go inside closets or walk into rooms that they've never been in before..once I hear any kind of noise I'm OUT! Id be running as fast as I could!

Dan Radcliff played this dad who went on a buisness trip to get the death papers and all of the personal papers of someone for one his cases. All the people in this town want him to leave asap. He decides he needs to go to the house. He uncovers all these secrets that have been hidden, and not shared. Many ghostly events happen and it freaks you out.  The ending is one NOT to miss. It actually has a lot of action and is creepy to no end. When ever a child is hurt/injured or dies... she's always seen there, the women in black.

MUST SEE! out nowwww!!!

Id actually like to see this one again..I know crazy right? I HATE SCARY MOVIES



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