Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This Means War

Soo all I have to say is.. I love you Tom Hardy.

Lauren played by Reese Witherspoon is dating two guys, Chris Pine and Tom Hardy, both are spys for the US and are best friends. She picks who she ulimately wants to be in a relationship with. I'm not happy with her pick but whatever. Its really funny, I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard...

In a scene Tom says "I love you lauren" or something like that and I felt all warm and bubbly inside :D ahaha I'm soo starstruck..its sad! Lol oh well..

It was really good, I planning on seeing it many more times in theaters.. and another great valentines day movie.. you can bring a date if you want be its great for anyone!!

17/5 just cuz tom hardys in it and his accent is soo cute :) ahah

out this friday

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