Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 17: Beach and Zaragoza

This morning we drove an hour and a half to a beach right outside of Barcelona!! I sat next to Chase on the bus. We had a bunch of fun at the beach.. some of us played a bit of volleyball, some even got to go kayaking and paddle boarding! I was able to record some footage in the water, and I let Dylan use my gopro again in the water! I was also able to record the famous Chester the Dolphin (Heath) in the water :) it was hilarious.

After hanging at the beach for a few hours, we went to lunch at a restaurant right on the beach. We had a pizza thing.. and we thought it was our main course...but found out it was our appetizer and by that time... I was already full! We had chicken and fries for the main course, and it was very good! I sat around Thane, Haylie, Alex, and Michael.

After a GREAT lunch we drove to few hours to a Palace in Zaragoza. The Aljaferia Palace was built in the 11th century and was a mix of Islamic and Spanish architecture. We got to explore alot of the rooms, and got to see where they hold official meetings for a regional parliament. We got some amazing pictures of the architecture, and then left for our new and 2nd to last hotel, and dinner.

We stayed with the roomates we picked! I got Megan and Haylie!! We stayed in a pretty nice place...in the middle of no where....we had some paella for dinner at the hotel. I sat with Dylan, Julia, Alexandra, Shiv, Avi, Chase, Edward and a few others at the other end of the table. We gave Stefano (bus driver) and Markus some thank you gifts, because tonight is the last night we have with Stefano! :( He drives us to our hotel tomorrow and we wont see him after that!!!! :(

We've got an early morning tomorrow to go to Madrid, because the bus ride is 4 ish hours long.

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