Thursday, August 16, 2012


This movie really isn't for kids. I'd say it way to scary and the topic is to mature for a PG movie. There's cuss words and scary images that would scare kids!

Little children DO NOT GO.

I am 16 and I jumped at parts.

Good teen movie, I think we'd really enjoy this movie.

It had a really good moral story. Adults and teens are for sure the target group for this movie! I'd go back and see it again! There references to Mike Myers, and other older movies are great but little kids won't get them at all.

"stop saying the Z word"
"swear on it" " like the F word?!"

Favorite character has to be the older brother to Neal, I want to say his name is Derek... Could be wrong.. But he was funny!

4/5 glasses!

We did have issues with the 3D, the theater didn't have it focused right and so we basically missed any jokes or something.

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