Thursday, March 15, 2012

Casa de Mi Pedre

Will Ferrell suprised me in this movie. He spoke spanish the entire time.. and he wasn't playing the character he usually plays. He cut back on the 'craziness' but used it in a different way. This movie basically was a parody of spanish soaps. You really have to pay attention to the things in the background. The first scene I was like that back drop looks fake.. but I don't want to say anything.. and then I finally caught on and was like oh... that's funny and it makes sense.

I didn't want to see it at first but it ended up being really funny. (The soo stupid its funny, funny) I'm not quite sure who would like this movie... all I know is I was laughing and so was my mom.


(The entire movie is in do get sub-titles though and the sub-titles stay on screen long enough so you can read all of it.. THANK YOU)

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