Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

I really enjoyed the first movie, but this movie was way funnier!!!

I think that people who haven't really even seen the first one or have seen parts of it can still this one, and everything would make sense. 
--you'd just need to know that this local news crew is from San Diego, and Ron and Veronica are together. 

My favorite scenes:
Where Brick was forecasting the weather on St. Patricks day and was wearing green, and then he doesn't have legs, and falls to the floor twice
When Ron kept saying he's blind
When Jack Lime (James Marsden) had to change his name to Jack Lame,
and when the little boy was crying towards the end.

This movie is very racists, and inappropriate, but literally hilarious. I cried of laughter. 

I don't think this movie is in any way suitable for kids, and young teenagers. I def. think that people who are 15 or older should see it. 

GO see this movie!! 

(ps..if you haven't seen the full cast list, then you'll be in for a huge surprise towards the end)

5/5 glasses!

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