Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lone Ranger

I loved this movie!!!! 

I didn't grow up with the tv show so I'm seeing these characters for the first time.... And I really really enjoyed it! 

Johnny Depp is my all time favorite actor, so seeing him play a weird/character is the best! 

The movie was done by the same people who did pirates-- my favorite movies, and Helena Bonham Carter is in it too, which adds to the awesomeness. 

Johnny did an amazing job, like always. Armie Hammer was very good, and worked well with Johnny!! Helena wasn't in the movie a whole lot but when she was, the scenes were funny! 

Towards the beginning when Johnny explains the stories of him and the Lone Ranger... They like pause the scene and talks to the little boy( this is hard to explain... But it really bothered me that it was in this movie... And this was the only time they did it- it would have been better if they took it out. You'll see what I mean) 

I would Definitely see this movie again!! It very long but very good! 

I think it's more of a teens and up movie, even though its Disney. 

5/5 glasses! 

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