Monday, November 19, 2012

Red Dawn (2012)

I'm the #1 Josh Hutcherson fan, so I probably enjoyed this movie more than a non-fan did! Joshy looked so little next to Chris Hemsworth and Josh Peck! Who ever did the casting, was spot on! Even though Josh P and Chris played brothers, they didnt even look slightly related.. so that sorta bothered me.
I havent seen the original Red Dawn so theres nothing to compare it too, and I didnt want to ruin the new one by seeing the original first.

I thought the story-line was great, and so was the acting. I gasped quite alot during this movie, because of the surprising turn of event. It was sad to see come people die, but its almost a given in the situation they were in. I also teared up towards the end. There was some pretty funny parts, and great actions scenes!

I'd say, SEE THIS MOVIE...but Ive heard mixed reviews.. sooo check it out for yourself!

You be the judge!


4/5 glasses!!

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