Monday, June 18, 2012

Day four in china

Today we went to the international school where they knew or are learning English! We played some get to know you games like the name game and the hola hoop game where you had to get the hola hoop through each person with our breaking the hand chain.. Hard to explain but fun! My group own!! Go team wán měi! We're The snack that smiles back! I go the Facebook name and email of one guy, I wanna say his name was frank! I'm totally gonna keep on contact with him!
After the school we went to lunch where there was a huge wasp on the wall and it scared Kaitlin! The food was alright, enough to keep us going! We went to the fan factory after lunch! We got to see how they make fans and do the crazy small calligraphy! The painting skills in that building is amazing! We went to the museum of old fans an it's history! It was pretty interesting! We got to buy fans,and I bought a really nice one!
After the fan factory we had to say goodbye to our guide Rebecca!

After that we took an hour bus ride to Wuzhen! The Venice of china!! The city on water!! It was BEAUTIFUL! Today was probably one of my favorite days so far!
We got to Wuzhen and my roommate was Kaitlin Hancock. When we walked into our room and we almost died of a heat stoke. It was so hot and humid and it smelt weird! We weren't to excited to sleep there! The heat and the mosquitos nets around the beds weren't sooo appealing! We walked around with the people on my floor : meg, Kaitlin, paige, Nikki, Lindsay, Amanda, and Krystal for about 20minutes until meg told us how to turn on the air conditioner! We all ran back and turned it down to 17 degrees Celsius! We had some time before dinner so we just walked around
At dinner there were some drunk people sitting behind us. There was empty bottles of alcohol tipped over on the ground and on the table and they just kept getting more and more drunk! They made a toast and say "ohhh" and all 40 of us join in and say "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" it was one of the best moments we've all had together! They did it like 2 or 3 times! They came over to our table and did a cheers thing where they clinked all the glasses together, you could smell the wine on them! They Came up and were like "we are English teachers!!!" allysha asked why they were celebrating and he said "because the test is over!" all the kids had the placement test today to see if they get into a better education high school or a regular level of education high school, Rebecca explained it to us this morning before we went to the school! At dinner there was also a little girl that made my week! She walked over and said hi, and gave he leaders a plate of watermelon! Mrs Volz gave me and Allysha a little American flag to give her! She said thank you! It was the CUTEST thing I ever saw! We finished our dinner and went on a little cruise through the town on the canal! It was sooooo pretty with the lights shining on the water and old city was just so beautiful!! After the cruise we had 3hrs of free time so our whole level meg, Kaitlin, Nikki, paige, Aaron , Lindsay, Amanda, Krystal, Corbin, austyn, Nigel and I all walked around! We sat and ate ice cream on the side of the street And some people of the other group joined us. After that it was about 915 and we went up stairs into our hallway and all hung out, Kaitlin and I walked into our room and it was as cold as an ice cube!!! It was freezing! We turned it up to 23 degrees so we wouldn't freeze at night! We all chilled and talked to each other I the hall for 40 minutes. Nigel was on his iPod looking at Yo Mama jokes and Michael Angelo said them really loudly! We tried to make Michael Angelo do the splits because he said he could do it but he never did:( then bed checks were at 10 and we went to bed!

We also had a security guard that followed us around and it was AWESOME!! I got a picture of him, he was in all black

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