Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Devil Inside

The Devil Inside was pretty dissapointing... if I go to a "scary" movie I would atleast like to be scared... sure there are some gross parts, and creepy parts but its not "scary"

I did jump at parts but I was not pleased with this movie.. I really wouldn't want any one to pay to see this movie..its not worth it..

And the ending = TERRIBLE
Its like they didn't know how to end the movie so they came up with an idea and did it

Id wait till Redbox to see this movie.

The Rossi Family is made up of a mother, father, and a daughter, the mother killed 3 people, she's in a hospital in Rome because it she has a "disorder", the reason why she killed the people, but her daughter believes different..she goes to Rome to visit her mother, but its be 20+ years since they've seen each other. It turns out she has four different demons possessing her.. the demons knew things her mother couldn't possibly have known.

It had an okay story line..


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