Monday, December 5, 2011

New Years Eve

New Years Eve had a FANTASTIC cast! There are some of the famous people in there that you had no idea they were in this movie like Jake T. Austin (Disney Channel Wizards of Waverly Place as Max) and Nat Wolff (Nickaloden, had a show many years ago called the Naked Brother Band with his brother) and Matthew Brodrick, and more! This movie is from the creators of Valentines Day, and I thought this one was way better and way more funny! I was laughing really hard..but then there was a very sad parts where my friends and I we're all crying at. HUGE cast, GREAT story line, VERY funny, VERY sad (at times), and it almost left you on the edge of your seat for some of the movie! I reccomand this movie to everyone because its not a chick-flick..its actually really good!

6 out of 5


(Can't wait for Jake T. Austin and Joel Courtney's new Tom Sawyer movie! 2013... I'm waiting!!)

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