
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Although I haven't read the book, like I planned to before seeing the movie, I loved it.

At the screening, there was a Red Carpet, where Miles Teller and Jai Courtney (Peter and Eric) came, and talked to some fans, and press about the movie! I was lucky enough to get Miles' autograph in my book! I tried to get good pictures but the lighting wasn't great and when they were on stage, they never really looked to the side I was on. After we were let in the theater, and the movie was about to start, Miles and Jai came in and announced the movie.

Since, I didn't read the book, I didn't know what the Factions were, and what the symbols meant. I thought they explained it very well and I understood. But, in the trailer they said she's "Divergent" and said she had to hide where they wouldnt expect to find her, so when she was jumping into the whole, I thought thats where all the Divergents go but it not, so that was a little confusing.

I really liked Four's character, and how he watched out for Tris. But it was soooo awkward watching her last stage of training, her last 'Fear', because once she's  given that serum, they can watch on monitors whats happening in her brain and what she sees, and Four was there watching. (you'll understand once you watch it!!!)

I really wanted to read the book before watching it, but I think I'll still read it, so I know everything there is to know for Insurgent and Allegiant!!

I cried, I laughed, I gasped, I covered my mouth in astonishment, I'm pretty sure I went through every emotion while watching this movie. And I got so sucked into it, it didn't even seem like it was over 2hrs long, I never got bored, and I never felt like it got "slow" in some areas.

The cast was fantastic! I can't wait to see Ansel and Shailene in TFIOS this June, and then Insurgent!!!

I think this is probably one of the "Movies Of The Year" and def. one of my top movies of all time!!

6/5 glasses!!!

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