
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


42 was made to perfection! Even though I'm not a baseball fan what so ever, I really enjoyed watching Jackie Robinson's journey to the big leagues! I knew he was the first African American baseball player in the big leagues... But I guess I never really thought about all the trash talk, rudeness, and racism that he got.

This movies shows how racist America was towards blacks in baseball, and how wrong it is! You do really sympathize for him and you just want to slap every person yelling at him or booing him. If I ever saw Jackie Robinson I'd want to hug him, and thank him for staying strong and not letting the whites push him out. He stood up for himself, and the changing society.

This movie opened my eyes. I glad we aren't segregated and racist to blacks anymore. I know society isn't perfect but that's one thing we did do right.

See this movie! Honestly a masterpiece and it will be nominated for an award somewhere!

5/5 glasses!

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