
Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Call

This movie is a real eye opener, and made me realize that its that easy for someone to kidnap you. I learned alot from this movie, and I would really hope every teen who watches this does too.

Id also like to give props to the 911 operators who take the calls...they are literally the only way we can get police officers and ambulances out to help us.

Abigail Breslin and Halle Berry did an amazing job in this movie! Every scene left me on the edge of my seat, because the suspense and not knowing how it would end.

This movie is def. rated R, and children shouldnt see it!! There are a lot of very disturbing scenes, that alot of people wouldnt be able to handle.

For me, its really hard to write anything for this review because I'm still shocked and paranoid after watching this movie. It was really good, but it really stressed me out.

5/5 glasses!

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