
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Life of Pi

INCREDIBLE! This movie was insanely amazing. The story is soooo captivating, and you get so attached to the characters, especially Pi, who's stranded on a lifeboat with a Bangle Tiger, Richard Parker. Pi's family ran a zoo in India, and they had to sell it, so they are moving to Canada and shipping all the animals with them to sell. Theres a storm and the boat starts sinking, Pi gets on a life boat, and some there are some unexpected animals who join him.

I cried about 3 times during this movie, because of the horrible things that happened on that boat. I dont think I could hang on to life, as long as he did.

Honestly, this is probably going to be Best Picture or win some sort of award. This movie made me feel so emotionally drained afterwards, I just wanted to go home and sit down and do nothing. It had such an impact.

Its so hard to explain how this movie affects you, and incredible the story is.


6/5 glasses!!!!

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