
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 14

Today we went to a cloisonné factory!! It's painted pottery type things but they use pieces of copper wire to make the designs and then use an enamel paint and put it in a kiln! Gavin comes up to me in the shop there and asked if I was going to get anything and I said nahh everything's really expensive! Two seconds after that I buy something... Smh. Lol

After that we went on our way to the great wall of china!!!! It was rainy and foggy but I'm glad it wasn't hot and sunny.. Because I was still sweating in the cool weather! The inclines were incredibly steep and the steps were pretty steep and oddly proportioned! Even in the fog I got a few good pictures! After finishing the first section which was two miles ish.. We are walking back to where we started and we met up with Michael Angelo, tori, meg, Lindsay, and a few more people and we see thane gavin and demetri pass us going the other way because they went the harder way on the wall while allysha and I and a bunch of other people picked the easier side. We take pictures of these sweaty men who are basically stumbling.. And then let them keep truckin. we are still on or way back when we hear someone fall and we look back.... And Gavin accidentally ran into a little boy while he was coming down the hill! That kid hit the ground hard.. He didn't get hurt but I think he was more stunned than anything. Then the other boys come down following him.. And pass us, the careful people trying to not lose the little traction we are getting from our shoes while going down the hill on wet stone. After however long time we had to spend in the wall a few of us went to the store we were meeting at. We met up with Duan and we bought some hot chocolate that was way to hot. Also the people who made it put it into a glass cup?! We had lunch there and then had more shipping time after before we left to go to the Kung fu school where they filmed the newest KARATE KID with Jackie chan ( Jackie Duan... Inside joke) and jaden smith!! The karate students/ people gave us a little performance! It was pretty interesting! I got pictures with most of them and before we were taught some karate I did a round off back hand spring on the hard floor!! It was great.. My wrists took a beating but I'm glad I did it because I hadn't tumbled in a month!
We went outside where I remember seeing the movie scenes! The performance people taught us some moves and a combination. I never really got it in the first place and still wouldn't be able to tell you what moves we did or what order it was in! But apparently two if the performers were with Jackie chan this morning doing something for chinas MTV in Tian’anmen square where we were YESTERDAY morning :(
After that we went to the Olympic village from the 2008 Olympics!! We got to see the famous birds nest and the cube! Duan was actually working in the communications/ board casting building during the entire Olympics!!! Über cool right!? I asked him, if he gets to work the Olympics and do stuff for celebrities when they come to china why does he does do people to people... He said just for fun not to get paid! <3 awwww I love you Duan! We saw the neighborhood where he grew up and went to dinner. I fidnt have any of the Peking duck because I refuse to eat duck.. Always and forever! But I did have or try most of the food they served us. We finished eating and went back to our hotel where we had a few hours before bed checks! Allysha and i ordered room service! We got an ice cream and a cheesecake! The ice cream was soo gross because It had pieces of dragon fruit and watermelon in the Ice cream!!! We didn't even finish half of the ice cream..... But the cheese cake and was fantastic!!! We had another one of our great talks with Gavin and Thane! :) they are sooo funny.. And they think their room Is haunted!

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